Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is a treatment involving a series of techniques and exercises that optimize function of oral and facial muscles.
When is it Time To See an OMT (Orofascial Myofunctional Therapist)?
Adults and children should be evaluated for Orofascial Myofunctional Therapy if experiencing these symptoms:
Mouth breathing/open mouth posture
Tongue/lip ties (ankyloglossia)
Tongue thrusting or reverse swallow
Prolonged thumb/finger/pacifier sucking
Lisping/speech issues
Grinding/clenching teeth (bruxism)
Temporomandibular Joint Pain (TMJ Pain)
Cosmetic changes due to “Long Face Syndrome”
Benefits of Treatment
Enhance nasal breathing and lip seal
Improve tongue positioning
To eliminate poor oral habits (i.e. nail biting, thumb sucking, habitual lip licking, etc.)
Promote proper chewing and swallowing
Relieve symptoms related to OMDs
Provide pre- and post- frenectomy care
Improve facial aesthetics